Ortega High School

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Alumni Questionnaire

Hello Ortega High School Alumnus,

Your participation in this questionnaire is completely voluntary. If you feel uncomfortable answering any questions, you can withdraw from the survey at any point.

Please respond as honestly as possible. There are no right or wrong answers to any question or statement to which you will respond.

Thank you very much for your time and support. Please complete the survey below to let Ortega High School know how you are doing.

Contact Information

Your Life After OHS Information

Check all that apply to you:*
Answer Required
Are you willing to come back and speak to the current students at OHS about your experience in college and/or in the world of work?*
Answer Required

How did OHS help you?

Please feel free to upload any pictures of you at your new job, career, college, military branch etc.
By uploading any photos, you consent to have them shared for a Hawk Success Highlight promo. If you would like a copy of the promo/to be tagged on social media, please share your IG username in the additional comments section above.
Answer Required
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