Ortega High School

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Virtual Health

Course Description

Virtual Health is a five-credit semester course is designed to cover mental and emotional health, personal health and first aid, growth and development, use and misuse of substances, and diseases and disorders. This course meets the district graduation requirement for health. The Virtual Health course curriculum is delivered to the student over the Internet by a computer. Instruction is facilitated by a teacher who may or may not be present depending on how the course is set up to be taken by the student. The Virtual Health course curriculum may be delivered in a computer lab setting, an independent study setting on a school campus or alternate location, or as a supplemental instructional setting in a regular classroom. All course assessments that result in a grade will be completed under the direct supervision of the teacher. At the discretion of the teacher, students who are taking the course for credit recovery may have the option of mastery testing out of course modules for credit. This course meets the Lake Elsinore Unified School District graduation requirem ent for health.